Building Brand Awareness for The Blossom Lounge

Nicole Weingartner
5 min readApr 28, 2021

Over the past month, I have been working on helping to improve a local business in my area by:

Design Work GIF By Percolate Galactic
  • Rebuilding their website
  • Writing copy
  • Improving SEO
  • Building an FAQ page
  • Building a chatbot
  • Using social media marketing

It all started at the beginning of the month when I realized I needed a haircut, so I reached out to Loanne, the woman who has been doing my hair for the past few years.

She, along with her close friends, recently opened up a hair and nail salon, The Blossom Lounge.

When I reached out to her, she let me know that they had just built a new website through which I could book my appointment. I found the website hard to navigate but knew there was potential there. That’s when inspiration struck.

This led to me building a project centered around this local business. It started with rebuilding their website and developed into improving their brand awareness.

If you want to poke around the website I built yourself, click here!

Update posts:

I first started the month by doing prep work. I built out the project schedule for the month, created a project outline, and did SEO research. Preparing everything in advance rather than while I was in the thick of it allowed me to be more productive in the long run.

Using the SEO research I did the week prior, I then built the website. I incorporated a few of the things I learned through SEO and the information on the business’s current site. I designed and built the website and all its corresponding pages.

Once I had the majority of the website built, I then added an FAQ page and a chatbot. Since the user experience is one of the most important things when it comes to building a website, I wanted these additions to make the site even easier to navigate.

This week was when I focused on creating ads and getting all the parts of my project sorted. I built three Instagram ads using images of the business’s past work and organized and made final touches to all the content I created this month.

Learned Skills

  • Time management

The workload of this month meant that I had to use my time wisely. I was stricter on myself when it came to sticking with my schedule and being productive with my time. Managing your time well and staying on track also means less stress overall.

  • Organization

If it hadn’t been for the organization I did at the beginning of the month and throughout it, the final week would’ve been a huge headache. I’m a firm believer in cleaning as you go, and the same productivity applies to content creation.

  • Flexibility

Planning a schedule for a whole month ahead of course means that things can change. For example, building the website took longer than I anticipated, so I then had to push the documentation for that week back a little. Rather than letting those hiccups derail me, I instead, adapted and kept moving. Life’s messy and not everything is going to go according to plan which is why flexibility is so important.

  • Problem-solving

Throughout the month I ran into a few problems whether it was with learning how to use Webflow or troubleshoot problems with Loom, and although it was easy to get caught up in what wasn’t working, I instead actively searched for answers. It’s about using the resources you have available, whether that’s the people around you or Google.

  • Responsibility

This month has been more self-directed, which means the results I end up with are all on me. Unlike traditional school systems, nobody’s going to hold your hand and walk you through things in the real world. You have to find your way to navigate life.

  • Confidence

This month has shown me my capabilities, which have helped to build my self-confidence. I may not know everything there is to know, but I believe I’m fully capable of learning what I need to.

Things I’d Do Differently

Although I did lots of planning at the beginning of the month, I don’t think doing even more planning would’ve hurt. Having an even clearer idea of what the purpose of my project was would’ve helped me when it came to finding the direction I wanted to go in. I also would’ve specifically gone into SEO research with a clearer understanding of what I wanted out of it.

A really helpful factor during this month was receiving feedback from others. It’s always great to get the perspective of other people since they might see something that you yourself missed. This is why it would’ve been even better if I gave myself more time to receive feedback.


Among the many things I learned this month, one lesson that stands out to me is the importance of others. Being able to talk through ideas helped inspire and motivate me. Also realizing my own limits and knowing when to reach out for help is something I’ve been slowly but surely getting better at. Most people are more than happy to help, and there is no shame in asking.

Another big lesson I learned, which I’ve mentioned countless times throughout the month, is how helpful planning and organizing are. Figuring out the details of everything beforehand helped me stay on track and focus. Making all of those preparations at the beginning helped lighten the workload for the rest of the month.

I also can’t forget to appreciate how easy I have it without long fake nails. As tempted as I was to get them done after seeing all the nail art from The Blossom Lounge, they probably would’ve slowed me down.

Final Thoughts

This month’s project was challenging and frustrating at times, but it was also fun and interesting. It wasn’t easy, but the most rewarding things in life are never easy. This experience has helped me grow and learn in the process, which I hope to continue doing.

At the end of this month, I’m left with a feeling of accomplishment and excitement for the future.

You’ve made it to the end! Thanks for checking out my work. If you want to talk, you can find me on LinkedIn and don’t be afraid to drop a line!

